Saturday, January 8, 2011

Week ONE: Weather makes for stressless first night

While the blizzard and holidays kept my first week to a solo session, I have to say it helped ease me into my new hobby. Only one other student showed on my first night of training, and thankfully he was my size or a few pounds smaller.
There were two instructors or Sensei training me and Max (the other white belt). Sensei Gil and Sensei Matt (I think. During introductions I did that thing where I was so concerned with saying my name, I didn't catch his name, and then felt silly asking again.)


Now my Cobra Kai Black Gi did not come with a belt so luckily they had one to lend me the first night. Unfortunately it was 9 sizes too big. The two ends of the belt were dangling around my ankles and I looked like the Brazilian Jujitsu version of Ron Jeremy.
"Is this ok?"
"Yeah, they're just a little long don't worry about it, ok white belts start running."

So we proceed to start running in a circle, my porn star white belt flappin in the breeze is making me extremely uncomfortable. As we continue to run, I am continually multi tasking. Run, tie belt, Run, tie belt.
Finally I think to myself,
"F**k this"
I stop and tie the belt in 5 extra knots, it wasn't perfect but it did the trick.

After running, we did some push ups, (which thanks to my run in with P90X I am pretty good at), followed by
some toe touch crunches. What I like most is we finish warm ups with a jujitsu movement exercise. We practice getting in position for an arm bar and switch from side to side. Still a very awkward movement for me, but practice makes perfect they say.


After warmups we begin to train a guard break. Being in guard is when you are on top of your opponent but their legs are locked around  your waist. The idea of breaking guard is to break their leg lock, and move to a "Better position". A "Better Position" is one in which you have a better chance of submitting you opponent. A couple examples of better position is full mount, side control, or "getting their back". We'll cross those bridges when we come to them.
Our Sensei shows us the steps for the guard break several times on another trainer. Then Max and I get to try it on each other. What I am already fascinated about while I am learning jujitsu is its complexity. This stuff is super complex. What we are learning tonight is the most basic elementary stuff, and their is already 4 steps that if not done properly and in the right order will lead to failure to complete the task.
I have to say it is a very overwhelming feeling to try to complete the move you just learned the first time.
I watched intently as the Sensei did the move. I pictured it in my head, I mimed the motions in the air while he continually repeated them, and still when I was in position to try it for the first time, it was as if someone dropped me in the middle of the forest at night in a place I had never been before. I was utterly lost.
Luckily, me and Max are the only two there this night, and we had step-by-step instruction from 3 trainers.  You get over that feeling of helplessness quickly and the more you practice the move the better you get.  At one point Max was having trouble with the last step of the guard break. So yours truly got to be the demonstration dummy while Sensei Matt shows Max the move. I know I shouldn't have been, but I was taken by surprise by the strength of Sensei Matt. He looks mild mannered enough, and I know he is only going at 50 percent, and is going slowly step-by-step. Still, in each step I can feel the power in his grips and postures.
After a while we both begin pulling the guard break off smoothly.
It is a great feeling of accomplishment when you properly pull off the move in training. I can only imagine how good it must feel when you actually pull off the move while actually "rolling".
(Rolling is jujitsu's form of sparring. It happens at the end of training. You and a partner set up in a position and both of you try and advance or submit each other using everything you  have learned.)

Finally it is time to roll! I am very excited to actually try to roll for the first time. Then I get the bad news.
Sensi Gil asks,
"Have you purchased a mouth guard yet."
"It's really important to ......."
That's all I hear, I know he's right , but I am disappointed. I realize though, it's the first night, you have a year to get your ass kicked, maybe next time.
And next time, I get my chance! Check back soon too see how my first roll  goes!
Thanks for reading,

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